

In Feb­ru­ary 2017 Dom­in­ante recor­ded music for a new album in the Rii­himäki gar­ris­on church. The record Vir­taa con­sists of pieces com­mis­sioned and premiered by Dom­in­ante dur­ing the past decade. 

In Feb­ru­ary 2017 Dom­in­ante recor­ded music for a new album in the Rii­himäki gar­ris­on church. The record Vir­taa con­sists of pieces com­mis­sioned and premiered by Dom­in­ante dur­ing the past dec­ade. The record also includes the monu­ment­al “Mer­en virsi” by Toivo Kuula, which was recor­ded togeth­er with Dominante’s former singers.

The album was recor­ded and pro­duced by Ger­man Chris­ti­an Starke, who also recor­ded and pro­duced the choir’s pre­vi­ous record (Joulun täh­den 2013). 

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Joulun täh­den

Dominante’s Joulun täh­den record fea­tures tra­di­tion­al Christ­mas songs both from Fin­land and else­where in Europe. The songs are mostly in their ori­gin­al form but there are a couple of new arrange­ments in the mix as well. 

Dominante’s Joulun täh­den record fea­tures tra­di­tion­al Christ­mas songs both from Fin­land and else­where in Europe. The songs are mostly in their ori­gin­al form but there are a couple of new arrange­ments in the mix as well. 

The record was pro­duced and recor­ded in Janu­ary 2013 by Ger­man Chris­ti­an Starke. Along with Dom­in­ante, Finnish music­al pro­fes­sion­als such as the solo pic­coloist of the Finnish Radio Sym­phony Orches­tra – Hanna-Kaar­ina Heikin­heimo – and organ­ist Olli Pyylampi, are heard on the record. Lyr­ic­al bari­tone Elja Puukko and harp­ist Saara Rau­tio make an excel­lent addi­tion to this record­ing full of Christ­mas atmosphere. 

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Saarella Palaa

Dom­in­ante was hon­oured to take part in BIS record label’s long-last­ing pro­ject of record­ing Jean Sibeli­us’ com­plete works. A rep­res­ent­at­ive selec­tion of Dom­in­ante’s grand effort was com­piled to this sep­ar­ately pub­lished album. 

Dom­in­ante was hon­oured to take part in BIS record label’s long-last­ing pro­ject of record­ing Jean Sibeli­us’ com­plete works. Dom­in­ante recor­ded a vari­ety of Sibeli­us’ chor­al com­pos­i­tions, both a cap­pella and accom­pan­ied by an orches­tra. Even some of Sibeli­us’ stu­dent works were found from uni­ver­sit­ies’ archives and rehearsed. Among them were many for­got­ten rar­it­ies. A rep­res­ent­at­ive selec­tion of Dom­in­ante’s grand effort was com­piled to this sep­ar­ately pub­lished album. Mon­ica Groop, Jorma Hynnin­en, Folke Gräs­beck and Harri Viitan­en appear on the record along Dom­in­ante choir. 

By Dom­in­ante Choir; Mon­ica Groop; Jorma Hynnin­en; Seppo Murto. By Jean Sibeli­us (1865–1957). Listen­ing CD. Pub­lished by BIS Records (NX.BIS-1889).

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Finnish music of love and affec­tion. Three com­mis­sioned pieces are recor­ded on this album, togeth­er with pieces that touch on the ever­last­ing theme of a rela­tion­ship between two people. 

Finnish music of love and affec­tion. Three com­mis­sioned pieces are recor­ded on this album, togeth­er with pieces that touch on the ever­last­ing theme of a rela­tion­ship between two people. 

The record is pro­duced by Titta Lampela and recor­ded by Mika Koivus­alo. It was pub­lished in 2008 and was chosen as chor­al record of the year by SULASOL ry and the Finnish Chor­al Con­duct­ors’ Association. 

  1. I Am The Great Sun (comp. Jussi Cydeni­us, 2005)
  2. Four Shakespeare Songs (comp. Jaakko Mäntyjärvi, 1984)
  3. Rakastava (comp. Jean Sibeli­us, 1898)
  4. Vil­lanci­cos (comp. Jaakko Mäntyjärvi, 2005)
  5. Keskustelu (Gespräch) (comp. Riikka Talv­it­ie, 2005)
  6. Inker­in illat (comp. Veljo Tor­mis, 1979)

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This record fea­tures gems of Finnish Romantic chor­al music. The works are mainly from the Nation­al Romantic peri­od (late 19th c. onwards), along with pieces from later in the 20th century. 

This record fea­tures gems of Finnish Romantic chor­al music. The works are mainly from the Nation­al Romantic peri­od (late 19th c. onwards), along with pieces from later in the 20th cen­tury. The album was recor­ded by Mika Koivus­alo and pro­duced by Tuuli Lindeberg. The record was pub­lished in 2002.

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Dominante’s Christ­mas album Riemuitkaa con­tains famil­i­ar as well as less heard Christ­mas songs fea­tured in the choir’s rep­er­toire between the 1980s and the early 1990s. 

Dominante’s Christ­mas album Riemuitkaa con­tains famil­i­ar as well as less heard Christ­mas songs fea­tured in the choir’s rep­er­toire between the 1980s and the early 1990s. The main piece of the record is the Gaud­­ete-suite by Anders Öhr­wall, which was ori­gin­ally com­posed for the Swedish Youth Radio choir. It’s based on the pop­u­lar Christ­mas-themed songs found in the col­lec­tion Piae Can­tiones. The album was recor­ded in Janu­ary 1993 by Ber­til Alving.

  1. Paimen­huilun joulu­laulu (comp., lyr­ics J. Rutter)
  2. Joulu­laulu / Arki­huolesi kaikki heitä (comp. L. Made­toja, lyr­ics A. Noponen)
  3. Joulun kel­lot (comp. A. Maas­alo, lyr­ics H. Auvinen)
  4. En etsi valtaa, lois­toa (comp. J. Sibeli­us, lyr­ics Z. Topelius)
  5. Nyt syttyy valot tuhan­net (comp., lyr­ics E. Köhler)
  6. Joulu­laulu / Jee­suslap­si suloin­en (comp. I. Han­nikain­en, lyr­ics E. Sormunen)
  7. Tuikkikaa, oi joulun tähtö­set (comp. P. J. Han­nikain­en, lyr­ics E. Koponen)
  8. Helkäh­del­len, iloiten (comp. P.J. Han­nikain­en, lyr­ics E. Koponen)
  9. Jouluhymni / Rauhaa, vain rauhaa (comp. A. Son­nin­en, lyr­ics U. Haarnoja)
  10. Kaikuu laulu enkelkuoron (comp. F. Mendels­sohn, lyr­ics C. Wes­ley et al.)
  11. Kun joulu valken­eepi (comp., lyr­ics trad.)
  12. Keskit­alvi synkkä (comp. G. Holst, lyr­ics C. Rosetti)
  13. Toi­vioretkellä / Maa on niin kaunis (comp. trad., lyr­ics B.S. Ingemann)
  14. I Gaud­ete (Riemuitkaa)
  15. II Sin­fonia
  16. III In dulci jubilo (Nyt ilo virttä veisaten)
  17. IV Oi ruusu Iisain juuren
  18. V Sana tuli lihak­si (Verbum caro factum est)
  19. VI Glor­ia in excelsis deo (Kun­nia Jumalalle korkeuksissa)
  20. VII Nyt ilon päivä ver­raton (Dies novum gaudium)
  21. VIII Ihme suuri, taivain­en (Ecce novum gaudium)
  22. X Kaikki kansat riemuitkaa (Reson­et in laudibus)
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Raudan kirous

Raudan kirous con­sists of music from Fin­land and its neigh­bour­ing areas from the end of the last cen­tury. The record fea­tures sev­er­al pieces from Nor­d­ic com­posers, com­mis­sioned by Dom­in­ante for its 20th anniversary in 1995. 

Raudan kirous con­sists of music from Fin­land and its neigh­bour­ing areas from the end of the last cen­tury. The record fea­tures sev­er­al pieces from Nor­d­ic com­posers, com­mis­sioned by Dom­in­ante for its 20th anniversary in 1995, along with oth­er mod­ern monu­ment­al pieces. The strik­ing sig­na­ture piece “Raudan kirous” by Veljo Tor­mis has stayed in Dominante’s rep­er­toire to this day and it has impressed audi­ences over the world. Raudan kirous was chosen as Finnish Chor­al Con­duct­ors’ Association’s chor­al record of the year.

  1. Lähtö (comp. Rautavaara)
  2. Mor­sian (comp. Rautavaara)
  3. Suite de Lorca (comp. Rautavaara)
  4. Uni, Unek­si… (comp. Länsiö)
  5. Suo­men hakemus EY:n jäsenek­si (comp. Länsiö)
  6. The Beaufort Scale (comp. Sallinen)
  7. Three Romances (comp. Kortekangas)
  8. The Tomb at Akr Caar (comp. Johansson)
  9. Tri­umpf att fin­nas till… (comp. Holten)
  10. Raua Need­mine (comp. Tormis)
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  • Vir­taa (2017) – Pur­chase album
  • Joulun täh­den (2013) – Spo­ti­fy | Pur­chase album
  • Sibeli­us: Saarella palaa — Fire on the Island (2012) – Spo­ti­fy | Pur­chase album
  • Lem­peä (2008) – Pur­chase album
  • Sibeli­us: Spir­it of Nature (2006) – Spo­ti­fy
  • Sibeli­us: Song of the Earth (2005) – Spo­ti­fy
  • Pacius: Die Lore­ley (2003) – Spo­ti­fy
  • Haaveet (2002) – Spo­ti­fy | Pur­chase album
  • Tupsah­dus (2002)
  • Melartin: Aino (2002) – Spo­ti­fy
  • Poli­foni­aa (ei myyn­n­is­sä) (1999)
  • Puun aika (ei myyn­n­is­sä) (1997)
  • Raudan kirous (1996)
  • Riemuitkaa! — joululevy (1993)
  • Det Sjun­gande Trä­det (1992) – Spo­ti­fy
  • Teemu Teekkari (1989)
  • Laud­a­tio Domini (1988)
  • Viimeis­elle — To the Last Liv­ing Being (1987) Aarre Merik­an­non (1893–1958) kuoroteoksia
  • Vihreää minä rakastan (1985)
  • Joulu (1984)
  • Aurin­gon noustessa (1982)